Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2009 The Year of Prof Jones
Possible desired effects and reasons behind latest Detroit bombing attempt 12-25-09 inside operation |
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Cops fear 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb Western airliners | The Sun |News
Monday, December 28, 2009
Another inside job? Flight 253 passenger: Sharp-dressed man aided terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab onto plane without passport.
125 Pilot Whales Die On New Zealand Beaches
Maria Foscarinis: Human Rights Day--Here at Home
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Internet is the beginning of a one, unified, world brain. One processing center, a repository of all knowledge and authority.
By now, we are connected to the net via cables, or recently, wirelessly – wi-fi, connecting our computers to the internet – to the servers providing the requested content.
We in turn interface - connect to the computer via keyboard, mouse, screen, and lately also via speakers, microphone and camera.
Soon, with the scientific technological progress, we – our brains - will connect directly to the internet, wirelessly, via electromagnetic waves of our brains.
Internet wireless signals will be floating all around us in the air, our brains being able to receive, communicate with and understand a cloud of internet around us.
We in fact, will become an integral part of this electromagnetic cloud of knowledge, of processing power, therefore, we will become part of a unified one world brain.
Computers- PCs, as a periphery and an interface between the central brain – the internet – and ourselves, will not be necessary anymore, as our brains are very powerful computers themselves.
Along this huge brain processing capacity, the internet – the servers it resides on - will evolve and embrace biotechnology, processing technology based on biological, chemical, living processors.
As we will become cyborgs, so computers will diversify into human, biological forms of processes.
Travel as teleportation
We, defined as very complex programs running in a very powerful processors – brains, we will be able to travel by downloading ourselves into different containers – bodies, brains, or any other device capable of sustaining, hosting, running processes in human brain - “ourselves”.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Medical tourism: '5-star' care at a 90% discount
Imagine cartels would allow Indian, Mexican, Russian, Chinese, Korean good doctors, dentists, to compete, to practice in US, for up to 90% discount. That would be a free market, not medical corporate cartel communism...
if you're in that awkward middle, where you have a little money saved, current private medical insurance cartels scheme will take it all ........ Once a cottage industry, medical tourism may be on the cusp of a big expansion as governments from India to Singapore are investing in state-of-the-art hospitals, vying for a global market.
Deloitte Consulting estimated that 560,000 U.S. residents went abroad for care in 08. The firm thinks that number will rise to 1.6 million by 2012, with patients getting discounts of up to 90 % on procedures from liver transplants to hip resurfacing.
Medical tourism: '5-star' care at a discount
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Physics911, by Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven, 9/11/2001
Friday, December 11, 2009
Matt Taibbi On "Colbert Report": Wall Street Is 'One Ponzi Scheme After Another' (VIDEO)

Private monopoly market corruption manipulation. Then you have republican gas prices at $4.50 a gallon.
They know the government is going to bail them out, and they know they can do it, because they ARE the government - twice never elected republican war market corruption government of former pres Bush.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Pharma Deal Shuts Down Senate Health Care Debate

US Pharma cartel refuses to allow reimport of cheaper drugs from Canada ?!, shuts down healthcare debate in Congress. It's all about money for private healthcare pharma monopolies..
Free market is to screw up prices by cartels?? Be it medicines, be it oil. This republican private market corruption fraud has to stop. America is held hostage by it.
DARN communist Canadian doctors! they do not want to steal they people blind, deny them healthcare ??! - socialists
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Video Scenes Pulled from Peoples' Thoughts | LiveScience
Friday, December 4, 2009
Ancient Volcano's Devastating Effects Confirmed | LiveScience
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Ohio man pleads insanity in 11 deaths
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
RoohIt: Instant Web Highlighter. Highlight any part of any web page. No Registration, No Download, Fast & Free
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Obama's Afghanistan Plan: 30,000 Troops, Marines To Be First Wave

yes, we need a colony war tax - on those who
1. agree with a colonial Afghan war
2. make more than 1 million a year.
About Afghanistan
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society |
Alyssa Bustamante, Slaying Suspect, Said Hobby Was 'Killing People'

puritanic / war societies mindlessly or needlessly suppress erotica and sex, and punish them with creepy medieval 10s of years in prison - in fact, more than for violence - thus creating violent tendencies.
but this is just one part of it. another would be losing freedoms, like press, speech, ability to walk in the evening through town or a parking lot without fear of being assaulted.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Alyssa Bustamante, Slaying Suspect, Said Hobby Was 'Killing People'

Where did we as a society go wrong? - Violence everywhere. A culture of violence. violence as "entertainment" - look at all these sick movies they are producing every week. why? for profit ...look at video-games - sick, violent, criminal celebration. why? to make a profit. ..
wars of conquest.
religious rigidity, forceful puritanism, commercialism permeating everything.
no civic values.
unavailability of healthcare - thus treating people if they weren't human beings.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Friday, November 13, 2009
Health Care for All Americans
We do need Universal Single Payer Public-Private National Healthcare System. As a human right, as a best investment for the strength of the country and its competitiveness, as a crime epidemic prevention and abatement.
We need it NOW.
1. Stop payments via employers, or more exactly, redirect them to a Single Payer agency. This agency will be non-profit. Doctors, of course, will be for profit, but not a fraudulent overcharge extortion scheme as there is now.
2. Extend Medicare to all.
That was its original purpose too. Abolish Veterans Administration Healthcare System.
3. Everybody will be covered, and everybody will pay something. At all the times. NO preexisting condition corruption service denial. Private add-on plans will coexist.
The costs of this reform will be $0.00, the savings realized will accumulate huge.
resources: -
NO more 20 cents a dollar to a bureaucracy, no to 10-20% yearly cost increases, NO to criminal service denial when one needs it - when existing condition calls for medical attention.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Monday, November 9, 2009
McCaskill Opposes Adding Stupak Amendment To Senate Bill

No public $$ for abortions? What does that mean? That only rich republicans can have abortions?
And we cannot talk about "abortions" only as such, because there are 2 very different types -
1. abortion medically necessary -rape, incest, threat to health or life of woman
In this case, federal $$ SHOULD be used, and abortion should be mandatory by law
2. abortion per decision
here this should be legal, in early stages, but discouraged. it is practically non issue, as there should be day-after pill - for having WANTED children, not unwanted
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Monday, November 2, 2009
Heathcare is a human right. We need Universal single payer public private healthcare system. Just as the rest of civilized developed world.
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
To deny a healthcare, thus causing a death of 40 000 Americans a year for the sake of bigger profits of corporations that raise costs of "insurance" 10-20% a year to me is CRIMINAL, UNWISE, WRONG, SINFUL, COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, FASCIST and untenable.
It can be argued that US Constitution, by saying "unalienable right to pursue happiness", covers the right to health care also.
WHY NOT then deny health care to rich robber barons, to CEOs of insurance companies? Why to people who's jobs have been exported to China?
EVERY developed nation on this Earth - in fact, every, period, has a national, public-private healthcare single payer system.
More info at - -
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Abortion Divides House Democrats In Health Care Debate

NO to forced pregnancy! No to rape. No to crazed religious right-wing republican fanatic males telling women what do to in their private matters.
In case of rape, no pregnancy should be allowed by law, automatic remedy of this crime must be required by law.
Exception might be if a raped woman requests for some reason that she wants a crime product - pregnancy -to go forward.
Women must be persuaded into unwanted pregnancy, but never forced.
Persuasion might be to guarantee the healthcare, income and position after the birth, financial participation by the male father, financial wellbeing.
If it is welfare father involved, state will step in and pay on behalf of this welfare male. -
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, October 22, 2009
My Action Plan: 15 Things Every American Can Do Right Now
1. Institute runoff presidential elections. and VOTE, for Dem or third party, preferably.
2. Cut military budget of $1 trillion a year - (plus additional money for occupation wars - - by 50% immediately.
3. Break up big oil companies, to what they were before recent monopolizing consolidation.
4. Break up big bailout banks to smaller, accountable, well regulated units.
5. Break up media corporations monopoly over TV and press.
5. Mandatory reinvesting of part of globalized corporations profits, lets say 75%, in America.
6. Mandatory space - 15% - of front page of all larger newspapers reserved for government communications. The same time - 15% - in TV stations.
7. Prohibit excessive, unbalanced(all about criminal, nothing about victims), violence glorifying crime overreporting. Regulate amount of ads.
8. Institute a range of salary for all companies, where the top salary cannot be higher than 100 times the lowest salary.
10. Raise minimum wage to $10 initially, with automatic inflation adjustments, for all but small businesses. This will help alleviate constant crime epidemic.
Petr Buben
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Monday, October 19, 2009
Bean Amendment Beaten Back (For Now), A Blow To Wall Street

The title of this post is misleading -it should be - "The corrupt bailout Wall Street players keep fighting the regulations so that they can continue doing their bubbles, fraud, keep getting tax bailouts, etc."
Bravo and thanks to Rep. Melissa Bean for fighting for America, for taxpayers, for fair business environment!
No more too-big-to-fail banks corrupt bankrupt frauds!
As Jerry Brown, California AG said here in his blog, this STATES' ABILITY to pass stricter bank regulations than what federal lobbyists can buy/corrupt from federal Congress, is CRUCIAL fr stopping future mega crises of financial and other industries, requiring mega bailouts of people's tax money.
No to "federal preemption" deceit.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Germans seek to oust Czech president Vaclav Klaus over EU treaty
Brussels furious diplomats were calling for his impeachment and even his country’s expulsion from the European Union because of his obstinate refusal to sign the Lisbon treaty. Klaus, now the only European leader holding out against ratifying the document, made it clear he did not give a damn.
European leaders were told he was not available to take their calls.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
As Economy Crashed, Banks Made A Killing On Overdraft Fees

DO NOT BANK WITH ----> Bank of America OR ----> Citi, or other big banks or insurance companies!
Bank with small local institutions.
Perhaps leave a small amount, so that you can have it always available via numerous big banks atm's. But that is it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Friday, October 2, 2009
Uninsured And Sick, Student Begged For His Life

Extend Medicare to everybody. Stop payments through employers. Cost of reform? - $0.00 ..... stop current private fraud system.
Yes, it is a basic human right of everybody to have medical care available. The situation described in the article is completely unacceptable. Practically criminal.
info: - -
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Neiwert: Right-wing hate worse than when Clinton was president
My comment :
It is true extreme right wing activity - conspiracy to subvert democratically elected president is alive, virulent, and getting racist and desperate.
It is true that military, with their $1 trillion + a year budget, plus Cia etc hold enormous power.
But today, we have 9/11 controlled demolition attacks conclusive evidence - so they better hurry to stir up something.
Definitely, right wing conspirators tried to silence, to disable, democratically elected and popular American President Clinton. ........
It's these methods they resort to, when votes do not get them elected - scandals, lawsuits, propaganda, personal attacks. This way, needed healthcare reform was sabotaged during Pres Clinton years. - - ... ............
What else have we gotten from vast right wing conspiracy? .........
9/11 controlled demolition attacks as pretext for wrong, very expensive, unnecessary wars, twice never lawfully elected administration, corrupted market $4.50 a gallon gas, totally bankrupted, collapsed financial and mortgage system. - ............
Industries, jobs exported abroad, extreme deficits, unemployment, economy on the brink of a depression. ..........
Friday, September 25, 2009
Spanking Kids: IQ Lower For Children Who Were Spanked: Study (VIDEO)

yes, spanked kids have lower IQ, but not because of spanking - that actually helps them learn, behave better, if words or verbal insistence will not work. ..then, a well meant educational spank is good and needed.
kids with lower IQ need spanking, because nothing else works to correct misbehavior. ..... if we abandon children, not spank when "they are asking for it", abandon kids as a society in child abuse poverty and hunger , we will have a generation of hooligans and criminals growing up. ... spoiled brats who think they can do whatever they want.
attention deficit disorder - hyperactivity is a DIRECT result of CHILD ABANDONMENT by not caring by not spanking when necessary ... and of violent TV, and numerous TV ads, which kill attention focus.
all clear fact.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, September 24, 2009
US spends $7,290 per person, ends up in 37th place by quality. France spends half, $3,601 and they are number one.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tiny technologies could produce big energy solutions -
Saturday, September 19, 2009
September 11th, 2009 – 9/11 Controlled Demolition, Remembering, Questioning, Challenging - Continuity of Government |
Friday, September 18, 2009
Air Force Shoots Down Runaway Drone Over Afghanistan | Popular Science

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance | Health | Reuters
U.S. scraps missile defense shield plans
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Banks that didn't take governemnt bailout TARP are in better shape than peers
Saturday, September 12, 2009
DNA and Mitochondrial Time Bombs: Uranium, Mercury and Diabetes.
Friday, September 11, 2009
The whole world outside US and many of us inside US immediately assumed the 9/11 Inside Job was perpetrated by US capitalist war class.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors, Says New Report. Great underestimation of brain tumor risks.
- Telecom funded studies underestimate the risk of brain tumors, and;
- Children have larger risks than adults for brain tumors.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
What Should Obama Be Reading On The Vineyard?

Recommended reading for Mr. President Obama : 9/11 Nano-thermite in the 9/11 WTC Dust Controlled Demolition Report. -
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Common Sense 2009, Larry Flynt. one day strike. Let's reclaim the governement from corporations.

Mr. Larry!
Excellent post! Let's set a date for a one day national strike - ok !
Now what to do ...
1. Set up your website, organize community. I can do this for you too.
2. Apart from one day strike, lets organize -
A. Do not bank at the biggest bailout mega bonus fraud banks!
Do you, Larry? .. Where is your money? Put it in small, regional, independent American banks. Everybody, let's do this.
B.Let's vote third party. Ron Paul, or others.
C. Let's not buy from bailed out companies - GM, for example, until they become proAmerican.
D. Let's force our government to invest, to support America.
E. Let's pass Universal Healthcare single payer public private system. The least expensive.
F. How is your position on 9/11 Controlled demolition? - - -
Petr Buben
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Monday, August 24, 2009
We need a contemporary insurrection to reclaim our democracy, our freedom and our country.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I'm calling for a national strike, one designed to close the country down for a day.
I'm calling for a national strike, one designed to close the country down for a day - Larry Flynt.
Let's set a date. No one goes to work. No one buys anything. And if that isn't effective -- if the politicians ignore us -- we do it again. And again. And again.
The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves.
The American government -- which we once called our government -- has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich.
Excellent post! Let's set a date - ok !
Now what to do ...
1. Set up your website, organize community. I can do this for you too.
2. Apart from one day strike, lets organize -
A. Do not bank at the biggest bailout mega bonus fraud banks!
Do you, Larry? .. Where is your money? Put it in small, regional, independent American banks. Everybody, let's do this.
B.Let's vote third party. Ron Paul, or others.
C. Let's not buy from bailed out companies - GM, for example, until they become proAmerican.
D. Let's force our government to invest, to support America.
E. Let's pass Universal Healthcare single payer public private system. The least expensive.
F. How is your position on 9/11 Controlled demolition? - - http://911 m -
The digg link at the top of this article is not working ....
Petr Buben
Comment: "9/11 Truthers Lament Bob Novak: First to Call Terrorist Attacks “an Inside Job”, Claimed Israel Behind Attacks". 9/11 controlled demolition
However, let me clear my position on Robert Novak, who sadly perished lately of brain cancer, which led me to consider, how much of an influence years of intensive cellphone usage might have on brain cancer development, and lets mention Senator Kennedy and the same condition.
I do want to clarify that 9/11 Truth movement might be partly wrong on assessing what Bob Novak meant by "inside job". He meant "Arab terrorists" must have had, knowingly, some "inside connection", if they managed to hijack 4 airliners, none of which were intercepted, as it was on a day when all but 1 North American Air Defense fighter jets were "out of the area", participating in an exercise "to train for the event of airplanes being flown into buildings", to quote.
He meant "Arab terrorists" must have had - knowingly - a well placed accomplice, to be able to pull this off.
As nanotermite high military explosive was found all over the place, and as TV footage and pictures suggest without doubt, that 9/11 is a controlled demolition attack event, pulverization implosion of 2 towers, both falling somehow exactly same way, with a speed close to free fall, 10 floors per second disappeared in front of our eyes.
That is totally impossible to explain other than as explosive driven controlled demolition. Per irrefutable scientific evidence, and per common sense of impartial observers - those you call nutjobs, as they defy your ideology, and would, and will, redefine your political allegiance to whatever your Republican government tells you is true, nomatter if it defied the laws of nature, physics and common sense.
Brainwashed complacency and dedication to war nationalistic pride is a tough nut to crack. :].
It happened yes exactly to Germans, mass admiring Hitler, after he too burned down Reichstag, German parliament, to be able to accuse his enemies, to institute more police regime state, to go to war.
So, Bob Novak did NOT mean that "Arab terrorist" will have had, UNknowingly, "an inside connection", an entity who knew, who not only let it happen, but who made it happen - a false flag Reichstag fire inside job pretext of war self inflicted wound type of operation, to rally the nation to war.
They made it happen good.
Have you noticed? :]
Thank you,
Petr Buben -
9/11 Truthers Lament Bob Novak: First to Call Terrorist Attacks “an Inside Job”, Claimed Israel Behind Attacks
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Artificial life will be created 'within months' as genome expert Craig Ventner claims vital breakthrough.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
President Eisenhower warns of the military industrial complex. "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence,
"The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exits, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted.
Only an alert and knowlledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial military missionary of defense with our peaceful methods and voters. So that security and liberty may prosper together.
Jan 17, 1961
Monday, August 17, 2009
Help Us Pick the HuffPost Game Changers: 100 People Who Are Using New Media to Change the World
1. President Obama - he is on Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed, works with, and Listens to American public.
2. Arianna Huffington -,
Smart, innovative, cutting edge news blog, .... truthful, entertaining news.
2. American Internet Public on line. Let's have single issues binding or advisory internet polls, or indeed voting, every ... so often .... it's the internet era
3. 9/11 Truth Movement. For untiring push to reveal the shocking truth about controlled demolition.,,
Facebook. The biggest. The world social communication empire.
Twitter. The new tool - microblogging.
Friendfeed. The aggregator. The smartest, most comprehensive feature set collection.
"The Best Site Nobody Uses." :] - - Universal Single Payer Reform. We need.
Maybe you should soon put out polls, with preselected options, and write ins too. ...
And set up standing polls, approval ratings. Be it single issues, be it personalities.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
US War of Aggression against Iraq - a Genocide of a Nation. Over 1.2 mil Iraqis dead. 2.5 mil children orphaned. Cost, $180 bill a year.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Riga plans crackdown on British stag parties with tourist police -Times Online
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Health Care Deal Reached In House: Waxman

To exclude from insurance people who need it, aka ill people, with preexisting conditions, or poor, equals to me to medical fascism, to discriminative physical elimination of a segment of population.
This should not be allowed, and is clearly violation of human rights and common morality.
It is very important to seize this moment for a real reform, the $0 cost Universal Single payer public-private national healthcare system. There is no Whitewater made up scandal to topple the American President, to stop this reform now.
1. Extend Medicare to everybody. Eliminate all tens of other government health sytems, like Veterans.
2. Redirect payments through employers to a single payer system. Stop employment based healthcare.
3. Supervise medical and pharma monopolies, to prevent outrageous price raises of 10-20% a year.
Apart from the choice of doctors , and parallel existence of any private plans:
1. Everybody must be covered, for the sake of equality, human rights, justice, and lowest costs.
2. Everybody will participate in this national plan.
3. Everybody will contribute, according to their means.
There is no other way to make it work.
This is all very easy, let's just do it.
Enough of 20% costs off $1 of healthcare costs to private insurance bureaucracies.
Enough of insure only healthy, and drop the poor, drop the sick, just to make profits!
Petr Buben - -
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Zapruder Film. Oliver Stone: JFK assassinated by elements in military and intelligence.
Mr. Oliver, Sir,
you state : "Elements of the military-intelligence community planned and carried out JFK assassination", and : " To a large extent, the fate of our country and the future of the planet continue to be controlled by the same shadowy forces, The Unspeakable."
Are you aware of a new conclusive evidence of a presence of high explosive nano-thermite in the pyroclastic dust of pulverized towers WTC on 9/11/01?
Would you speak out now about the 9/11 Truth, about WTC controlled demolition attacks?
Because, it may very well be, that the unspeakable are going to lose their voice. ..... unlikely? .. yes, I know.
Unlikely unless we speak up.
Thank you,
Petr Buben
Would you also comment on the assassination of JFK's brother Robert Kennedy?