Friday, July 31, 2009

Health Care Deal Reached In House: Waxman

Comment on an article.
To exclude from insurance people who need it, aka ill people, with preexisting conditions, or poor, equals to me to medical fascism, to discriminative physical elimination of a segment of population.

This should not be allowed, and is clearly violation of human rights and common morality.

It is very important to seize this moment for a real reform, the $0 cost Universal Single payer public-private national healthcare system. There is no Whitewater made up scandal to topple the American President, to stop this reform now.

1. Extend Medicare to everybody. Eliminate all tens of other government health sytems, like Veterans.

2. Redirect payments through employers to a single payer system. Stop employment based healthcare.

3. Supervise medical and pharma monopolies, to prevent outrageous price raises of 10-20% a year.

Apart from the choice of doctors , and parallel existence of any private plans:

1. Everybody must be covered, for the sake of equality, human rights, justice, and lowest costs.

2. Everybody will participate in this national plan.

3. Everybody will contribute, according to their means.

There is no other way to make it work.

This is all very easy, let's just do it.

Enough of 20% costs off $1 of healthcare costs to private insurance bureaucracies.

Enough of insure only healthy, and drop the poor, drop the sick, just to make profits!

Petr Buben - -
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Zapruder Film. Oliver Stone: JFK assassinated by elements in military and intelligence.

Mr. Oliver, Sir,
you state : "Elements of the military-intelligence community planned and carried out JFK assassination", and : " To a large extent, the fate of our country and the future of the planet continue to be controlled by the same shadowy forces, The Unspeakable."

Are you aware of a new conclusive evidence of a presence of high explosive nano-thermite in the pyroclastic dust of pulverized towers WTC on 9/11/01?

Would you speak out now about the 9/11 Truth, about WTC controlled demolition attacks?
Because, it may very well be, that the unspeakable are going to lose their voice. ..... unlikely? .. yes, I know.
Unlikely unless we speak up.

Thank you,
Petr Buben

Would you also comment on the assassination of JFK's brother Robert Kennedy?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Global Warming? Global temperature OSCILLATIONS. It will always happen. The Earth is a dynamic system.

There ALWAYS have been climate TEMPERATURE OSCILLATIONS on the Earth, and there always WILL BE ! ..

The MAIN factor is the intensity of the SUNSHINE... Are anthropogenic greenhouse gases contributing? Yes. Somewhat. BUT The Earth is a DYNAMIC system, it will find an answer, a new equilibrium, and it always DID...That is why Europe will experience cooling off. ..

The present climate temperature oscillations are quite normal, the period is rather cool .. NOW, or would you rather want global cooling, or freezing?? ... UPtick oscillation in global temperatures will cause TREMENDOUS amounts of so far uninhabitable land, mainly Canada and Russia, and pole regions, to be HABITABLE. ..

That will bring HUGE amounts of WEALTH, of minerals, of oil, of new living space, to humankind hopefully .... A Sibiera(c)(tm), a Canadiera(c)(tm) .. yes, a Riviera on the North ....... it'l benefit Friendfeed, and it'l benefit the humankind too ....

Is green energy desirable? YES, Definitely ..... - see HOW EASY it would be to cover WORLD energy needs by green renewable sources .. :]