Friday, December 24, 2010
Attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept 11th, 2001 were planned and perpetrated by the White House, the Pentagon, US intelligence agencies, and the government of Israel. The 9/11 attacks provided an excuse for the fraudulent 'War on Terrorism,' which is actually a US war of aggression for control of the oil-rich Middle East and for global dominance.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Rest In Peace, Dear Janette ... 911 Truth. Me too i had a chance to talk with you, to admire your art at an Oakland theater exhibit festival. I called Janette A Lady who helped to bring down a war empire. A LADY WHO BROUGHT DOWN A WAR EMPIRE. Which one is better?:/ Janette's life, art, destiny and a providence forever will be remembered. A providence with which she brought down singlehandedly, with a handful of Dust of Truth, the mightiest war empire ever mushroomed and parasiting on the face of people's Earth. Janette's life and destiny shall forever be written unto the glorious history of American nation, as a grand, historical and providential turn of events, in the time most needed, to correct the course of a grand nation, to remind a once benign empire and it's war leaders that they lost their way, that they betrayed the nation, it's people who gave the nation its birth, it's existence and its might, and which has now been hijacked by a war empire faction, surrepetitiously and behind the backs of a nation, in order to carry out foolish indefensible foreign expansion wars. Only in America. .. There is a freedom of speech - because we are willing to speak. American might through peace, justice, truth, friendship and prosperity. Rest in peace, Janette, and please know that you have a place in our hearts, and in the American history, forever. 911 Truth.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
911 Truth Movement patriots will show America, the world, how the truth is done! How to reveal, to deal with runaway government rogue elements. Draw your weapons. And that means your keyboards, your pens, unspoiled minds, dedicated to truth, pristine souls and firm characters! There is a freedom of speech in America. Because we are willing to speak. Oklahoma, 911 WTC, London bombings are all inside jobs terror operations. Per irrefutable evidence. NO this is not the American way. Nobody will assault America on its own soil, to bring on colonial wars, or whatever else.
911 Truth Movement patriots will show America, the world, how the truth is done! How to reveal, to deal with runaway government rogue elements.
Draw your weapons. And that means your keyboards, your pens, unspoiled minds, dedicated to truth, pristine souls and firm characters!
There is a freedom of speech in America. Because we are willing to speak.
Oklahoma, 911 WTC, London bombings are all inside jobs terror operations. Per irrefutable evidence.
NO this is not the American way. Nobody will assault America on its own soil, to bring on colonial wars, or whatever else. yes we know 911 Truth won we call it 2009: The game is over, we need new independent investigation, into 911 controlled demolition sudden explosion midair pulverization symmetric collapse terror operation false flag inside job. Some voices call for severe punishment for if any foreign country is involved. Id advocate a peacefull annexation of such a country. yes we know 911 Truth won we call it 2009: The game is over, we need new independent investigation, into 911 controlled demolition sudden explosion midair pulverization symmetric collapse terror operation false flag inside job.
Some voices call for severe punishment for if any foreign country is involved.
Id advocate a peacefull annexation of such a country.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A brilliant article, yes, thanks. The fact that 911 is proven to be controlled demolition inside terrorism job indeed will have profound unforeseen consequences within US population and for the USA and for the rest of the world. I will still maintain that the highest officials of the time may not know and did not know the full extension of 911 controlled demolition operation. That is why we need polygraph questioning, soon. Lets point out that also Oklahoma and London bombings are proven inside provocations. Petr Buben
A brilliant article, yes, thanks. The fact that 911 is proven to be controlled demolition inside terrorism job indeed will have profound unforeseen consequences within US population and for the USA and for the rest of the world.
I will still maintain that the highest officials of the time may not know and did not know the full extension of 911 controlled demolition operation.
That is why we need polygraph questioning, soon.
Lets point out that also Oklahoma and London bombings are proven inside provocations.
Petr Buben
Sunday, September 26, 2010
911 sudden explosion midair pulverization disappearance collapse controlled demolition inside job war pretext operation
911 sudden explosion midair pulverization disappearance collapse controlled demolition inside job war pretext operation
Saturday, September 25, 2010
There is a risk of brain tumor from cellphone use.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
ccording to the Europol and Interpol , the largest amount of heroin is delivered to Europe from Afghanistan via Kosovo. According to some estimates, some 65% of all the world ’ s heroin is channeled through the former Serbian province; while 90% of all drugs that reach Europe are shipped via Kosovo.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
911 controlled demolition inside job facts
Thursday, September 9, 2010
AE911Truth on Yahoo news. |
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Top 10 Volcanoes in Geologic History : Discovery Earth

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Electro-pulse cannon stops cars in their tracks | DVICE

Thursday, January 21, 2010
BAD: Supreme Court's Decision Kills Campaign Finance Reform
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
History of Haiti colonization, oppression, poverty - USA and France. Haiti is the first non-slave state of Americas.
Audi Detroit show car previews the R4 sports car - looking good

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
2010 – The Big Picture. Wars of aggression, 9/11 controlled demolition.
2010 - The Big Picture.
After the fall of overly restrictive socialist Soviet Union in 1991, nothing can effectively hold US military complex from aggressive military world expansion.
1.1991 - conflict with Iraq was provoked, country bombed apart into last century, later 2003 militarily occupied. and it is to this day. Military bases established there and also in Eastern Europe and some post Soviet central Asia republics.
The reasons for this, execution and the tactics are of high class military superpower highest war empire propaganda skills: provoke resistance, anger - that in Arab case, will translate into terrorism.
And here we have an enemy, to wage an eternal war. War we need to profit, to survive.
Last man to seriously stand up to this US war empire was JFK.
As long as, and until, war empire forces are in power, unchecked, and wars bring profits for the ruling establishment, there always will be wars and war tactics such as sacrificing own population in false flag "united we stand" inside operations.
2.2001 - False flag inside operation 9/11 controlled
Pretext for invasion, occupation and genocidal decimation of Iraq, Afghanistan. Justification to establish additional new big republican government security bureaucracies - DHS, TSA.
These occupations, unmanned drones lethal attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan serve further to incite, radicalize, stir Arab resistance.
Madrasas schools fit right in here - they teach resistance to western domination, occupation and colonization done namely through military means.
And since regular warfare is not at Arab disposal, they will not reject terrorism. This in turn will serve further to 'unite' obedient western population to rally for further wars.
After the Soviet Union fall, Western Empire has a chance to try reoccupation, recolonization of the world. - We are seeing just that.
As any crime - this is my prediction - this new US UK campaign of military aggressions and occupations will fail, with and after heavy losses of lives of ordinary people. Some nations, millions of people, will disappear from the face of the Earth.
Will the planet, the humankind survive itself as such? Probably, as a monster, a serpent of mafia war empire aggression forces will slow down, rethink, before destroying themselves, on purpose.
Petr Buben
The situation allows even to speculate that the present goals of empire colonial campaign are to destabilize Pakistan, possibly dissolve it and get their nuclear weapons, besides destroying and colonizing Iran.
Monday, January 18, 2010
From Cynthia McKinney: An Unwelcome Katrina Redux
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Move Your Money out of big banks
People all over the country are choosing to move their money out of bigger banks and into smaller, community-oriented financial institutions that generally avoided the reckless investments and schemes that helped cause the financial crisis.
Fueled by the personal initiatives of thousands, it’s a grassroots effort that has the potential to shift power in the financial system away from Wall Street and to Main Street.
Find community banks in your neighborhood now! The banks listed have received a grade of “B” or above
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Haiti earthquake: updates, history, pictures -

Friday, January 15, 2010
Haiti Earthquake Jan 15, 2010 - Drudgereport. Hunger, thirst, anger, looting, anarchy?
Advocates pushing to relocate Haitian children to America...
Haiti's Streets Called 'Tinderbox' as Hunger, Thirst and Anger Grows...
UN to launch Haiti emergency appeal for $550M...
Aristide offers to return...
U.S. military mobilizes thousands...
War Zone: Gangs do battle in streets with machetes over food...
Rescuers race against time...
WIRE: Angry Haitians block roads with corpses...
HORROR: Corpses impede traffic, pyres of burning tires incinerate cadavers...
Growing desperation...
Survivors Face Diarrhea, Malaria Outbreaks Amid Lack of Clean Water...
Earthquake in pictures...
Satellite Photos Before and After...
Actor Danny Glover Says Quake 'Response' For Screwing Up Climate Summit In Copenhagen...
Broadcast nets to air Clooney's Haiti telethon...
Hillary heading to quake zone...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Haiti earthquake: 16 Brits missing as horrifying new pictures reveal extent of destruction | Mail Online
with hundreds of billion$ of dollar$ in aid spent... - LAT - FriendFeed
Capitalism is bringing poverty, drugs, violence,... - LAT - FriendFeed
Despite longterm US military and economic.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Haiti Lies in Ruins; Grim Search for Untold Dead -
Put a Major Oil Company Out Of Business
to that - yes, lets not buy gas other than CHEAPEST, that is, from ARCO / AM-PM.
cars - lets not buy other than either Ford - no bailout , hybrid, EV, or foreign.
Banks - MOVE your money out of Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs! - use local institution. http://loc
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Aerodynamic long tail improves fuel efficiency 15 percent

BYD e6 EV goes 205 miles between charges, coming to the US in 2010
BYD e6 EV goes 205 miles between charges, coming to the US in 2010
More than 100,000 feared dead in Haiti quake, officials say -
Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals
Haiti Earthquake life feed - all news
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The 'false' pandemic: Drug firms cashed in on... - DailyMail - FriendFeed
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Octopus is dying? 5 senior associates of Henry Kissinger were killed on Dec 12, 2009, Kissinger himself is missing since and presumed dead,
Vitamin D deficiency increasingly common
Shrinking U.S. Labor Force Keeps Unemployment Rate From Rising
The Military-Industrial Compex is Ruining the Economy
Oliver Stone's 'Secret History' to put Hitler 'in context'
This per irrefutable scientific evidence., - - - -
Assassination of President Kennedy by military industrial complex - CIA secret elements with possible foreign collusion. Watch excellent factual video at -
Saturday, January 9, 2010 - remember this address. Tsunami alerts, reports, maps.
Bankrupt California, wrong state budget for 'tough times'
Friday, January 8, 2010
Screw up ?!? ..that is exactly what they said /military,CIA, intelligence/ on 9/11
"gov failed to connect the dots?! to understand the intel that they did collect and have. ....
" Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian suspect who allegedly tried to set off an explosive device aboard the plane as it came in for a landing in Detroit, has told U.S. investigators he received training and instructions from al-Qaida operatives in Yemen. His father warned the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria that his son had drifted into extremism in the al-Qaida hotbed of Yemen, but that threat was never fully digested by the U.S. security apparatus." ..... [flight 253 CIA failure to understand]
Comment posted on - Obama: 'Dots' Not Connected In Airline Attack at using Reframe It
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
emf cellphones cancer risks - The 10 Biggest Health Myths Promoted By The Media And Conventional Medicine
America First Books : Final Judgment - $10.00
Who Killed Kennedy, JFK excellent video. . “How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power”"
Sunday, January 3, 2010
125 Pilot Whales Die On New Zealand Beaches. New very powerful US military sonars shattering inner ears - navigation - of whales and dolphins. They beach and die.

Mr Bob,
no, your point of natural causes for this beaching of pilot whales is not supported, and is insupportable without necropsy of inner ear. That has already shown that powerful submarines sonars will shatter inner ears of whales, case bleeding into a brain, and disorientation.
Also large earthquake might produce loud underwater sound frequencies, harming the animals, I suppose.
First, please
1. acknowledge that the article was poorly researched and one sided. Compare to Wikipedia http://en.
2. Wikipedia -"pilot whales are susceptible to beaching", and beached in the past as a direct consequence of a /loud/ sonar. - EXTREMELY good link -> http://eng
3. the key logic here is - each whales species are differently vulnerable to new loud military sonars because their inner ears RESONATE at different frequencies. So New Zealand pilot whales beached - were killed - after military ships used sonars to look for wrecks /see link above/. And other species - Cuvier Beaked are killed when other sonars are used.
4. it has also to do with where species lives compared to where military trains.
5. the point is that necropsies need to be done to find out if/how whales inner ears are shattered and causing inner bleeding to brain, disorientation and death.
6. ok, also natural causes - i'd propose underwater earthquakes too, but i will concede this point to you - provided necropsy shows no shattered bleeding inner ear - that disease, scare, confusion, hunting, is causing mass stranding.
7. it is a good sign that US military acknowledged this issue and is working on it.
8. now, what the heck is "underwater seismic testing" ?
About Natural Disasters
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost