Monday, March 30, 2009

Radical reform of global capitalism, make it fairer and prevent excesses, says French pres Sarkozy

Anglo americky divoky kapitalismus na lavici obzalovanych.
Anglo American capitalism, in deep crisis, on trial. .. Britain’s recession is already the harshest in Western Europe. UK may have to ask IMF for help, for loans.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Good way to start a new world war? Bomb Taliban on more areas in Pakistan. Treti svetova valka? Nejlepe zvysit bombardovani Pakistanu.

President Obama uvazuje o rozsireni bombardovani afghanskych povstalcu Taliban na pakistanskem uzemi, a to za dosud cilene pohranicni oblasti.

Toto je jeden z nejlepsich zpusobu, jak v oblasti jeste zvysit jiz tak napjatou situaci.

President Obama and his advisers are considering expanding the war in Pakistan beyond the tribal areas to strike at a different center of Taliban power

Monday, March 9, 2009